Saturday, 5 September 2015

More booty

Another good 6mm haul from the Christchurch Wargaming Society's annual bring-&-buy:
  • A decent army's worth of Napoleonics: British with some Spanish allies/handicaps
  • About 250 assorted WW2 German vehicles and guns, a mixture of H&R, GHQ and C-in-C by the look of them.
There were another couple of trays of assorted stuff that I had to (regretfully) leave behind due to lack of funds. Boo-hoo.

Oh yes, and a little five-dollar book on WW1 fighter aircraft. You can never have too many of those.

Next day.....

I broke down and went back for the stuff I left behind.  had no high hopes that they'd still be there, but it looks like 6mm scale is really unfashionable in these parts nowadays, which is good for me.

There's a bunch of WW2 British stuff there — an odd mix, including Matildas, Crusaders, Churchills, and Comets. Also a tray of assorted aircraft, more or less battered, in both metal and resin. Plus a balsa glider of some description. I've not seen the resin stuff before, and they seem to be in an odd scale (1:350 maybe?) but they'll do fine as gaming pieces.

All in all, I'm really quite happy with my purchases. There's no way I'd be able to buy all this stuff at regular retail prices.

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