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I'm not sure who was the author of this model, nor where it originally came from. It might have been Thingiverse, it might have been from one of the Humble Bundles of STLs I've collected over time. All I know about it is that it's named "Abandoned Lighthouse", and it's scaled for use with 28mm figures.
It prints in several parts: one for the island, one for each floor of the tower (of which there are five), one for the roof, and a couple of light options. The one I've chosen is a simple brazier, the other is a sort of magical egg-light.
The tower sections include some interior detail, and it comes apart so that miniatures can be put inside.
I painted the stonework using the "leopard spot" technique.
First everything is painted in loose splotches of raw sienna, burnt umber, and a sort of terracotta orange. The paint is quite loose, so it flows around and mingles a bit at the edges of the other colours.
In retrospect, I think yellow ochre would have been a better choice for the lightest tone, and burnt sienna for the middle.
At this point it all looks fairly terrible and gaudy.

Next I overpaint it all with a couple of layers of a black wash.
This tones down all the clown colours and unifies them tonally.
It all looks pretty dark now, but there's a variation in tone underneath the black wash that still shows through.

Then I dry-brushed with a cream colour, and highlight with pure white.
This lightens everything substantially, and brings out the surface detail of the model.
In this photo, I've also made the very first start on some vegetation, but at this point it's more like a bowling lawn than a wild weed patch.