Saturday, 30 March 2019

Making the Ethereal Physical

A thing of beauty...

.....and utility

I really don't like using PDFs as references, especially working references. I find them very clunky to navigate around, even when they're well bookmarked. I much prefer hard copy.

So, since my copy of the Chain of Command rulebook had not (at that time) arrived, I decided to make my own by printing out the PDF in signatures and sewing them together into this little A5 case-bound volume. I am definitely not highly skilled as a bookbinder, but overall I think it turned out pretty well, and it should be sturdy enough to take a bit of a hammering without falling to bits.

Naturally, I only got half way through the process when my actual official and genuine rulebook arrived

Still, that means that now I have two copies, and in truth, once I know my way around it a bit better, this one will probably be more convenient to keep at the table, since it's a lot smaller and will take up less valuable table room.


  1. Great idea,how easy is it to do for the uninitiated like myself?

  2. 🤔 I very much like it for being A5 format. I totally agree with you as to PDF‘s not being all that helpful when you need to look something up in the heat of battle.


  3. It should be pretty durable too. Nice work.
