Sunday 30 September 2018

Friar Tuckish

Here we have yet another of Reaper's plastic Bones miniatures, from one or other of their Kickstarters. I don't know the SKU.

He's a stout fellow, in every sense of the word, but I get the feeling he might be a bit of a bastard if you cross him.

This guy is painted as a more or less mediaeval European mendicant friar, though the weapon is one the Japanese call tetsubo, an iron-bound club-staff. It was notoriously used by some of the militant Japanese Buddhist monkish sects for killing people without (theoretically, though probably not actually) spilling their blood. There was one sect who carried their sacred bits and pieces in a casket into battle, and threw it into the enemy lines to inspire the monks to a fanatical frenzy to get it back. They were, let's face it, completely barmy.

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